PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Beneficiary Status

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Beneficiary Status

PM Kisan Yojana is a program by the Government of India to assist farmers. Farmers usually struggle because they can't earn enough and everything is so expensive. The scheme provides funds for farmers, especially those who have small farms. This helps them stress less about finances and live a better life. Many farmers have already received assistance from this scheme. The Government intends to continue to support them for their agricultural expenses and welfare. In today's post, we will know how to know PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Beneficiary Status from your phone so that you can easily check your money.

PM Kisan Scheme Objectives

PM Kisan Scheme avails 6,000 INR to every qualified farmer annually, divided into three payments. The primary goal of the scheme be to sustain the revenue of landowning families in India. It further aids farmers in managing the expenses of agriculture. This encompasses purchasing fertilizers for enhancing crops and pesticides for safeguarding against pests.

PM Kishan Status Verified 2024

A 17th instalment of the PM Kisan Yojana is hoping between June and July 2024. On the 16th instalment, nearby 12,000 Crore INR was end to 9 Crore farmers by PM Shri Narendra Modi from Yavmal, Maharashtra, on 28 February 2024. Farmers are needed to complete their KYC to gain the benefits of the 17th instalment. Only those who finish their KYC before the final date will get the money. Their names also need to be on the PM Kisan Beneficiary Status 2024 list released by the authorities.

Registration process for Kiman Samman Nirdhi Yojna

If you haven't applyed for the PM Kiman Samman Nirdhi Yojna yet, do it quickly. The application process is simple. Here are the stepps:
  • visiting the Official Wesbite: Go to the official PM Kiman Samman Nirdhi Yojna wesbite.
  • Open the Homepage: The homepage will show up.
  • New Farmer Registration: Clicked on the "New Farmer Registration" option on the homepage.
  • Choosing Registration Type: A new page will be open with two options:
Rural Farmer Registration: For farmer in rural areas. Urban Farmer Registration: For farmer in urban areas.
  • Entering Detailes: Selected your registration typp. Entering your Aadhar number, valid mobile number, state, and captcha.
  • Sent OTP: Clicked on "SENT OTP." A OTP will be sended to your Aadhar-linked mobile number. Entered the OTP and submitted.
  • Fill Registration Form: The PM Kiman Registration Form will open. Filled in all the required detailes carefully. This includes information like Khatauni (land record). Uploaded the necessary documents and click on the submiting option.
  • Receiving Kiman ID: After submitted, you will get a Kiman ID. Your information will be verifid over a few days. Once verified, your name will be added to the PM Kiman beneficiary list.

PM Kisan Nidhi Eligibility

The PM Kisan Scheme provides financial support to farmers in India. Here are the key eligibility criteria:
  1. Landholding Farmers: The scheme is for all farmers who own cultivable land according to land records of their State or Union Territory.
  2. Family Unit: The benefit is given to the family as a whole. A family includes a husband, wife, and minor children.
  3. Exclusions: Some higher-income earners are not eligible. These include:
    • Institutional landholders.
    • Families where a member holds or held a constitutional post.
    • Current and former Ministers, MPs, and MLAs.
    • Current and former Mayors and District Panchayat Chairpersons.
    • Serving or retired officers and employees of Central/State Government Ministries, PSEs, and Autonomous Institutions.
    • Pensioners with a monthly pension of ₹10,000 or more.
    • Individuals who paid Income Tax in the last assessment year.
  4. Documentation: Beneficiaries must have valid land records and bank account details. The financial assistance is directly transferred to their bank accounts.

Who To  check your PM Kisan account statues?

  1. Head over at the Offish Website: Visit the official PM Kisan poral on
  2. Peasants Corner Section: Locate the 'Peasants Corner' section in homepage.
  3. Choosing 'Recognize Your Condition': Press the 'Recognize your Condition' opshyun for cheeking your appy locations.
  4. Type in the Needful Information: Input your Appy Number, Adder number, Account numeral, and Mobile numeral.
  5. Submit & See Status: Hit the 'Get Datas' butten to send off your details. Your PM Kisan statues, along with payment statues, gonna pop up on screen!

Important Link

 Status Check Click Here
Official Website Click Here